Centrálny Depozitár cenných papierov SR, a.s.

Security Information

Date and time of publication: 10.09.2024 21:02

Securities information as of: 11.09.2024 20:10

ISIN SK1120001500
Short name of the security (FISN) TUNAR,a.s./OrdinaryShare Free
Long name of the security TUNAR, a.s.
Nominal value 1 000
Denomination currency SKK
Settlement in Units
Minimum amount* 1
Minimum multiplier* 1
Total number of securities for ISIN* 149 742
Amount of securities on accounts* 0
Amount of securities returned* 0
Bearer/registered Bearer
Type of security ordinary share
Form of security Book-entry securities
Negotiability of the issue Transfer without any restrictions
Public negotiability of securities issue Security is not traded on the stock exchange
Date of issuance 09.02.1995
Registration date 14.11.1994
Expiration/Maturity date
Deletion date 22.06.2009
Issuer depository
Issuer country SK
Suspension of right to dispose of the securities issue

* The amount is displayed in the units listed in the item "Settlement in the unit" in the issue detail.

Issuer name TUNAR, a.s.
Issuer Company Id 31615643
Issuer´s seat Kráčiny 2, 03601 Martin, SK
Issuer LEI

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