Centrálny Depozitár cenných papierov SR, a.s.

LEI code services are fully automated and simple


All natural persons and legal entities performing trading or other business activities, and are responsible for transactions with financial instruments, are obliged to have a LEI code (Legal Entity Identifier). This obligation applies to a wide range of companies and corporations – except issuers of securities, included are credit and financial institutions, funds, including pension funds and unit trusts, fund managers, insurance companies and each entity that is legally or financially responsible for financial operations. Therefore, Centrálny depozitár cenných papierov SR who is allocating the LEI codes, created dedicated webpage thanks to which the process is automated and simple.

In particular, we refer to the webpage lei.cdcp.sk, through which all required information and services related to allocation and administration of LEI codes are conveniently provided. The important fact is that all services for LEI codes are provided only electronically.The new webpage is completely linked to the web application for allocation, renewal and transfer of the LEI code, and which was redesigned last year.

To the clients is available an electronic assistant in form of a chatbot that will answer essential questions on provision of the LEI codes. This assistant will readily answer questions about registration and logging-in of clients to the web application, placement of requests for allocation, renewal and transfer of the LEI codes, and also questions on the LEI code in general.

Besides all necessary information on allocation, renewal and transfer of the LEI code, on the new webpage lei.cdcp.sk the clients may find also a link to transparent, simple and fast searching in the official world-wide database of all existing, as well as invalidated, LEI codes.

Certainty is that the new webpage includes comprehensive Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ). For  foreign clients is prepared English version of the webpage.


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