Centrálny Depozitár cenných papierov SR, a.s.

Change in ISIN code


Centrálny depozitár cenných papierov SR, a.s. (CDCP) updated its information system and at the same time adopted some changes in allocation of ISIN codes. One of these changes will modify also logic of the ISIN number. This change in allocation of new ISIN codes was implemented on 29 April 2019. The codes allocated before this date will be valid and remain unchanged.

CDCP as a National Numbering Agency and a member of the Association of National Numbering Agencies (ANNA) allocates identifiers of securities ISIN, CFI and FISN.

„Three identifiers – ISIN, CFI and FISN create a whole ensuring classification of the financial instruments. These codes include certain information that before was part of the ISIN code itself. For that reason we decided to make a change which would simplify the ISIN code. Change in the ISIN code will display only on certain positions and in compliance with the standard“, explained Eduard Kalina from the Issue Department of CDCP.

New forms were prepared due to the modifications and the issuers can find the forms on the web site https://www.cdcp.sk/emitenti/dokumenty-pre-zaknihovane-cp/. In new forms it will be possible to specify the most common types of securities. It won’t be enabled to select securities not allowed by our legislation. “We focused on types of securities prevailing in our market. New forms enable to define more options for securities than it was possible in previous forms.” added Eduard Kalina from the Issue Department of CDCP.

The identification code ISIN consists of 12 alpha-numeric characters. Prefix is two letters code indicating the country. Structure of the alpha-numeric code will be changed from 29 April 2019, in CDCP it means that the first number following the „SK“ prefix shall identify category of security or financial instrument in compliance with the ISO 10962 (CFI) specification. As of 29 April 2019 applies that if the number “1” is placed after the “SK” prefix, it stands for equities. In CDCP these are primarily shares, temporary certificates and co-operative units. From 29 April 2019 the number „3“ after „SK“ prefix represents instruments for collective investing. In CDCP these are mainly units of unit trusts. Number “4” placed after “SK” prefix will represent the debt securities after 29 April 2019, which in CDCP are primarily bonds, covered bonds, treasury bills and investment certificates. For other types of financial instruments number “0” is placed after the “SK” prefix. “The change itself will not impact the clients remarkably. The client issuing bonds is accustomed to configuration SK411 or SK412. This structure will be changed. The code will include abbreviation SK and number 4 representing category of security. If anybody would be interested to closer identify security type and issuer of the security, another two codes CFI and FISN will provide such information.” explained Kalina.

ISIN code is principal identifier of issue of securities and financial instruments, assigned in compliance with the international standard ISO 6166 – Securities and Related Financial Instruments – International Securities Identifying Number, set by the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO)

CFI code consists of six alphabetic characters providing for consistent and unified division of securities to groups, facilitating full identification of securities and related financial instruments. The code is assigned in compliance with the standard ISO 10962 – Securities and Related Financial Instruments – Classification of Financial Instruments (CFI codes)

FISN code provides for a short name of security. The code is assigned according to the standard ISO 18774 – Securities and Related Financial Instruments – Financial Instrument Short Name (FISN) in order to provide consistent and unified approach to generation of standardised short name of the issuer and description of securities. It has maximum 35 positions of alpha-numeric characters specified in the ISO/IEC 8859-1.

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